Who is Behind Karno Walker’s Wirritjin Peggera:lin?

The Walker Family and the Elders of the Ramindjeri Tribe in association with Elders from other Tribes and a few White People well known to the Ramindjeri have come together to form this first official Wirritjin project. Our Wirritjin Peggera:lin executive committee membership spans 3 continents, Australia, Africa, and North America.

What is Karno Walker’s Wirritjin Peggera:lin?

Wirritjin Peggera:lin is a combination of Wirritjin, which is blackfella and whitefella working together as one, Peggera:lin means Dreaming and it is all about  the past, present, and future.

What Karno has given all of us, through Wirritjin Peggera:lin, are guide lines on how to live in a way that recognises our true eternal nature, by honouring our past, our present, and our future.

The Past

Honouring our ancestors through deep listening to their ancient wisdom, retelling dreaming and lore, and recognising  Warrior Spirit. 

The Present

Recognize by honouring, through our actions, the Original peoples, animals, plants, and mother earth herself we discover what it truly means to be present and in harmony with ourselves, and the world around us.

The Future

To safeguard our future by listening to the wisdom of our ancestors and allowing that wisdom to guide us to a better future.


This project was launched on, April 20th, the day Karno celebrated his own birthday.

About Karno Walker’s Wirritjin Peggera:lin Project

Our very first Wirritjin Peggera:lin Project is this Website, this Website project has 2 main aims.

  1. To tell the late Karno Walker’s Wirritjin Peggera:lin story in Karno’s own words using material supplied by those that knew Karno’s Wirritjin Peggera:lin the best. This official re-telling of Karno’s Lore will be released under the direction of Karno’s Wife Christine, the Walker Family and Ramindjeri Elders.
  2. This Website will be Karno’s first official Wirritjin Peggera:lin community project, we will be inviting talented indigenous and non-indigenous men and women to help us build Karno’s Official Website. Those who wish to help this project in a way other than volunteering can choose to donate their money instead of their time.

There is only one rule in regards to this project, and that is no politics is allowed. This is a spiritual Wirritjin project based on Karno’s vision of Wirritjin, and Spirit Knows No Colour, and us all coming together to heal both black and white, women and men, adults and children, humans and the land we share with our Plant and Animal brothers and sisters.

As Unbulura, the Chairperson of the Ramindjeri Heritage Association often states in her introduction to our weekly meetings, we are all equal, and everyone is to be treated with respect, that respect is to be directed towards all life, including Mother Earth herself.

Upcoming Projects

After our first project, this website built by our community of volunteers, is launched later this year, the following 2 projects will be initiated.

The 2nd Wirritjin Project – The Ramindjeri Cultural Centre

Our 2nd project will be launched towards the end of 2022/early 2023, this Ramindjeri Cultural Centre will initially be a website where people can find out more about Ramindjeri Culture, and our online visitors will also have the opportunity to book an in person visitation to the Sacred Rocks at their temporary home in Tuckombil which is 30 minutes away from Byron Bay.



Our primary goal for this 2nd project is to back this website up with the purchase of land, and the construction of a cultural centre on that land that will permanently house the Sacred Rocks in their final official formation as per Steven Strong’s agreement with the Ramindjeri Elder Karno Walker, former Chairperson, and official spokesperson for Ramindjeri Heritage and Native Title.

The Ramindjeri Heritage Association will be seeking donations from the public to help fund the purchase of land near Victor Harbor, and the construction of the building housing the Cultural Centre on that land which will also house the Formation of the Sacred Rocks.

The 3rd Wirritjin Project and 1st Publicly Accessible Mum-o-wee project

Our 3rd project will tie the first 2 projects together and will bring Wirritjin and Mum-o-wee to an even wider international audience. How this will occur will become clearer to our audience once we get closer to its launch sometime in 2025.


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