Notice: The Wirritjin Peggera:lin executive committee would like to make clear to our audience that we are a spiritual organisation and not a political one. Our project begins with this website which aims to do three things; honour the life of Ramindjeri Elder, Uncle Karno Walker, promote his vision of Wirritjin Peggera:lin (Blackfella/Whitefella dreaming together) and Mum:mo:wee (Blackfella/Blackfella tribes coming together). All of our future projects will also be spiritually based and aimed at preserving aboriginal spirituality and finding a new way forward for the country we all share based on Uncle Karno’s vision. 

This page, and others, on this website aim to honour the life and achievements of Uncle Karno in all spheres, including politics, this page is a recognition of his past political achievements and is not an invitation for further political action.

Important contributing events from the years leading up to Declaration Day

The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

In the late 1980’s The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody was formed to investigate the causes of aboriginal deaths in custody and offer solutions to this problem. Two things are worth noting regarding this, the spokesperson for the family of an aboriginal man who died in custody, Mr Alan Campbell, stated the following “A representation to the United Nations and foreign countries concerned with the rights of indigenous people was a major action to be considered”.

Secondly, when the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody tabled their findings, The Canberra Times reported the following;

Elliott Johnston, QC, the whole thrust of the report is directed toward Aboriginal self determination, or the empowerment of Aboriginal society in exercising, their democratic rights, to gain maximum control over their own lives and their communities. . .

More information on Uncle Karno’s work as S.A Chairman of Aboriginal Deaths in custody can be seen below.

S.A. Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Chairman

Joint Submission to the United Nations by Karno Walker & Mark McMurtrie on behalf of the OSTF

On the 16th and 17th July 2012 Mark McMurtrie and Karno Walker made a spoken and written submission to the United Nations on behalf of the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation declaring that sovereignty has never been ceded by the Aboriginal people of Australia to the Federal Government. This was the outcome of what many elders had called for, this was a long time coming, notification to other nations outside of Australia, that there is no formal treaty between the Aboriginal people & the Australian Federal government.

More information can be seen here

Joint Submission to the United Nations by Karno Walker & Mark McMurtrie on behalf of the OSTF

Original Sovereign Tribal Federation – Declaration Day 13th of February 2013

Press release issued by the Original Tribal Sovereign Federation 12 days before Declaration Day.

Parliament served Declaration of Sovereignty document on the 13th February 2013 

On Wednesday the 13th of February 2013, Mark McMurtrie. Uncle Karno Walker, Uncle Kevin Boota, with Uncle Binnah Pownall present, jointly served the Federal Government in Canberra notice that the Aboriginal People have not relinquished their sovereignty. Uncle Karno can be seen throwing the document in the right hand photo.

The following document is a copy of what was officially served to the Australian Federal Govt on the 13th of Feb 2013


Uncle Karno discussing the importance of this ground breaking event for First Nations people in Australia, and around the world. This video was recorded on the bus that took Uncle Karno and other OSTF members to Canberra on Declaration Day.

The Recognition Act’s unanimous passage through Federal Parliament on the 13th of February 2013

It is no coincidence that the Original Tribal Sovereign Federation chose this day, the passing of the Recognition Act, to serve notice on the Australian Government regarding lack of recognition of First Nations sovereignty. The Recognition Act was the forerunner to the Voice Referendum being held towards the end of 2023.

This was a subject Uncle Karno was quite passionate about, he was also the first elder to lodge a claim for Sovereignty for the Ramindjeri Tribe.

The Recognition’s act was passed unopposed in the Senate a month later on March the 14th.

The Recognition Act was wound down, September 2017 and absorbed by it’s parent organisation Reconciliation Australia. The Referendum council after consulting with First Nations people favoured a “Voice to Parliament” as a form of constitutional recognition. As of August 2023 the Voice Referendum is yet to be put to the Australian People.

Uncle Karno challenges the constitution of the South Australian state government.

On the 23rd of March 2013, 1 month after Uncle Karno served notice to the Australian Federal Government notifying them of First Nations Sovereignty, he challenged the South Australian Constitution.

During the South Australian Parliament’s debate on the passing of the SA “Aboriginal Recognition” bill (S.A.’s state equivalent to the Federal “Recognise” act) Uncle Karno passionately interjected proceedings.

Despite being invited by the State Premier, Jay Weatherill, Uncle Karno was ejected from Parliament and arrested for protesting that a parliamentary official had incorrectly stated that Parliament was holding session on Kaurna land. Uncle Karno wished to correct the record to state the truth, that this was Ramindjeri land the State Parliament was holding session on.

More info regarding this explosive day can be seen in this article below. Elder Arrested in Parliament as Constitutional Challenge Gathers