Uncle Karno as seen by the Wirritjin Peggera:lin Committee

It is very difficult to sum up the life of an Elder like Uncle Karno, he achieved so much in his life, and his legacy continues to grow even though he is no longer physically with us.

Uncle Colin Watego WO1 came close to encapsulating his life when during a committee meeting he said Uncle Karno was a Leader, Loreman, Visionary, Custodian, Teacher and Healer.

Christine and the rest of the committee loved what Uncle Colin said, and the committee agreed that this would be the perfect title for a page to introduce those who didn’t know who Uncle Karno was and what his achievements where.

So for those that want to know more about this man, this page is a pretty good place to start.

Below is a small sample of some of the articles from this website and other websites around the web that show how Karno was all of the above, and much, much, more.

Part 1 of 6 – Leader

Part 2 of 6 – Loreman

Part 3 of 6 – Visionary

Part 4 of 6 – Custodian

Part 5 of 6 – Teacher

My Walk with Walker

A Canadian Native American Writer discusses his time on Kangaroo Island with Karno Walker

Part 6 of 6 – Healer